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Hellboy (an old Spring Clean Challenge)

Hellboy (an old Spring Clean Challenge)

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Zee Nasty Pasties

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 10
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So a few detail passes for faces, weapons and equipment and I’m calling them done. I took a moment to reflect on the swastika thing and thought ,yes its Hellboy, we’re sending them to hell, so its ok, but personally still find them abhorrent and didn’t want to waste time on white blobs with fuzzy black things, so let them go.

On the whole there are some areas that have come off a little ‘painterly’ but considering the minimal time and effort in getting these 18 minis done in 10 days and the overall effect, I’m pretty happy.

After the ‘Screaming Skull’ pass to unify skin areas I used a home made purple wash then some game colour ‘Flesh tone’. Yes its cold, but so are these pricks.

Stab you in the back party membersStab you in the back party members
In your face party membersIn your face party members
The heavy..SSThe heavy..SS
The nasty partyThe nasty party

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