Footsore North America Head Out Scouting With Roger’s Rangers
May 13, 2020 by brennon
Footsore North America has been looking at expanding their Colonial range in 28mm and the first big step for them is the release of a band of Roger's Rangers! See what you make of these fellows in the preview they shared as part of a 'Timstarter'.
The set above features ten different models for the Savage Frontier. Each of the models have been sculpted to look like Roger's Rangers on patrol, scouting through the woods and looking for foes to bring down in skirmishing firefights.
These soldiers were deployed during the Seven Years War (French & Indian War), trained by Major Robert Rogers to fight for the British. They even went on to be part of the American Revolutionary War as a Loyalist regiment but many officers defected to fight against the British.
They were a light infantry force that got deployed for special operations, effectively an early take on modern tactical teams. This makes them the perfect band of soldiers to take in skirmish games where they might be up against enemy patrols, stealthing around the tabletop looking to burn things down and sunder defences.
What do you make of this band of Roger's Rangers?
"This makes them the perfect band of soldiers to take in skirmish games where they might be up against enemy patrols..."
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They could be a Scottish/Irish unit with the flat hat (tam o shanter) ?
Big fan of this period and these look fab and I really like what seem to be the cut down muskets many of the Rangers carried. I was reading Dan Snows book about the Quebec campaign Victory or Death and he mentions many Rangers sawed a few inches off the musket barrel to allow for a more manageable woodland firearm.
Ah Robert Rogers. The man who codified a whole style of warfare all because he got ripped off by a con-man and started counterfeiting himself, got caught then found himself in front of a Judge right as the French and Indian War started. If that War didn’t start when it did he might have been executed (Counterfeiting in early North America is very interesting, basically the State hated it but the people relied on dodgy notes to actually posses physical currency. All money was printed with “To Counterfeit is Death”). Then he became a Drunk, rocked up at the Start… Read more »