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Rangers of Shadow Deep - Solo play project

Rangers of Shadow Deep - Solo play project

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Tutoring 1
Skill 5
Idea 1
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Not sure which company this mdf stable was from but I have had it assembled but unpainted for a while.
Vallejo Iraqi Sand as a base, Vallejo Air Golden Brown on all the wood, all the exterior washed with Agrax Earthshade, then a heavy highlight of Iraqi Sand and matt white mix. I used Snakebite Leather Contrast paint over all the wood. It seemed to go down really well, which makes sense given that it is ultimately a stain type paint and the colour suited the building nicely.

The roof I drew a blank on. I wasn’t sure how to approach it. Was considering making tiles from coffee stirrers or corrugated card but I just went with simply painting it a Vallejo Cavalry Brown terracotta colour. I can probably use it eventually with other games like, Bolt Action, Blood and Plunder and Sharp Practice without it looking out of place.

The flooring in the stable is a mix of brown earth type flock, some Army Painter steppe grass and some finely cut up teddy bear fur as a nod towards dirty hay.

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