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Evilstu's Fantasy Progress 2020

Evilstu's Fantasy Progress 2020

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Halflings, Henchmen and (Murder)Hobos

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Barreling on through assorted rubbish when the opportunity presents. Did get the fist part of a halfling army done – well, almost. I just need to glue on a banner and touch up the brown on the base rims – I don’t know why I insist on using craft paint on these rather than model paint, it is always more bother than the saving in cost is worth. the 3 units are from one single box of Wargames Atlantic plastic halflings, caster is from Midlam and no idea where the other character mini is from…

Also been pushing on with the ‘contrast over zenithal preshade’ on Bones minis to get more familiar with the way this paint works. Finished up a batch of orcs (left) gnolls (front) bugbears (right) and some more murder-hobos (rear). I feel these are still a little too dark so hit the remaining batch of uncommenced minis with an additional white zenithal dusting and will progress further thereafter.

Halflings, Henchmen and (Murder)Hobos
Halflings, Henchmen and (Murder)Hobos

Also been trying to get more terrain elements to drop on a table happening. Finally got around to painting up a henge that I got as part of the Bones 3 KS. And further have been working towards a couple of orchards to have as large terrain elements that can be interacted with in fantasy and historical games. Apple trees are from 4ground, orange trees are from EBay…

Halflings, Henchmen and (Murder)Hobos
Halflings, Henchmen and (Murder)Hobos
Halflings, Henchmen and (Murder)Hobos

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