Frostgrave by Duster
A cabal of ghouls!
Although i didn’t paint these with Frostgrave in mind at first, but rather for my D&D games in mind, it finially occured to me that ghouls do appear in Felstad…
The first 3, are from the Reaper bones line. I got them from their Kickstarter number 3 or 4? Anyways, there still not available on their site in Bones, but 2 of them are available in metal though…
I went for a simple paintjob… Army Painter Blue Tone and a dab of Mixing Medium for the skin…
The next 2 are from the Pathfinder Deep Cuts line, pre-primed line. I got them because i think they make exellent boss-type ghouls! Add character or NPC levels and boom, a tougher ghoul!
I went with the same blue i did for the first 3, AP Necromancer cloak for the black with GW Dawnstone as a slight highligh and went for a Guillaman Flesh Contrast for the cloak! Ghouls are sooo bad, am i right?
See you later.
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