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PanzerKaput's Kings of War Spring Clean Challenge

PanzerKaput's Kings of War Spring Clean Challenge

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New Reinforcements Arrive

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 5
New Reinforcements Arrive

I have fully based, cleaned and assembled the next part of my Kingdom of Men Army and these guys are from the wilder areas of the realm of The Valatinate. I’m actually using Footsore Miniatures & Games Dark Age Irish for these guys as I love Bill Thornhill’s sculpt and cannot wait to get some paint down on them.

New Reinforcements Arrive

I’m painting them as Dark Age Irish and doing the colours using partly based on the colours used Gaelic Games teams in Irish from the northern countries.

In games terms I am using these as either the expendable Shield Walk unit to cover the advance of the rest of the army or as the hammer blow as the Fanatics.

New Reinforcements Arrive

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