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15mm Italian Chapel - Spring Clean Challenge

15mm Italian Chapel - Spring Clean Challenge

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A bit if flocking

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Before I started this step, I gave the whole base a spray varnish to protect everything, hence why it looks a bit shiny. It won’t be seen once everything is all finished.

For the chapel, I want to make it look like its been in situ for some time and to tie it into the base. So I’m going to add a little bit of mixed green flock into the cracks in the brick and along the roof line. Not too much, but enough to be noticeable.

A bit if flocking
A bit if flocking
A bit if flocking

For the base, I’m using the same mixed green flock and putting it into the cracks in the paving where you would likely see grass and moss.

A bit if flocking

And for the parts of the cemetery where there will be more foot traffic, there will likely be bare patches. So I’ll put some brown flock around the gate and between the tomb stones to the main paving

A bit if flocking

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