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Ork Expansion

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Getting Colourful

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4

If I thought the progress in the last update was the stage where things start to look a mess then I don’t know how to describe this…

I’ve started to add some colour to the Stompa.  The idea is that, given that it’s made up of a lot of panels, it needs to look as though it’s constructed of pieces of metal and scraps from all sorts of sources.  As a result, the panels have randomly been painted up in differing colours.

A nice selection of colours.A nice selection of colours.

Pretty much all of the paints selected are base paints or the old foundation paints in an attempt to reduce the number of coats required.

Some panels were painted with thickish layers or multiple coats to get good coverage whilst others less so in order to have some of the texture of the metal show through.

Nice one mate, you've painted you're Stompa up like some sort of crap clown...Nice one mate, you've painted you're Stompa up like some sort of crap clown...

Some of the painted panels have been given a coat of gloss varnish (Citadel ‘Ardcoat) to help with the next stage.

Even though I’ve got a pretty good idea of what I want to do and have done this on previous minis in the army in the past, I can’t help but worry a little bit about how this is looking at the moment!

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hendiekharegim Recent comment authors
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Keep going! As you say all models get to this stage, the finale will be worth it i think

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