Rangers of Shadow Deep - Solo play project
Flesh Golem
I didn’t know what a Flesh Golem was.
I looked up a definition online.
“A flesh golem was a ghoulish collection of body parts, stitched together into a single composite form.
This is my Flesh Golem.
Not as dramatic and big as many others, (no frankenstein’s monster) but I am happy with the conversion. Made from multiple parts and stapled and sown together seen here as he stumbles through a derelict house in an abandoned village.
Made from…
Wargames Factory zombie head
Wargames Factory zombie sprue left forearm
Mantic Games Ghoul torso with spikes and hands removed
Mantic Games Dwarf right gloved hand
Warlord Games Celtic Warrior legs.
Because i decided his big right fist looked like an oven glove, i painted the hand more like a gauntlet and am happier now.
Took me a while to figure out why I recognised the legs and body… they I scrolled down and saw you listed the parts.
@robert I decided to change the paint job. The big right hand looked like an oven glove, so i painted it more like a gauntlet and think it improves it.
Thanks for commenting. ?