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OBS basics and video creation

OBS basics and video creation

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Turning cameras and a clean workspace

Tutoring 18
Skill 12
Idea 13

So because I was always unhappy with my workspace I did some cleaning up.

And now I have a lot of space. But one other thing that bugged me: the top cam is the wrong side around and shows everything upside down. Remounting the cam is a PITA and so I looked… and found an option within OBS it self!

Just right click on the cam source, select “Transform” and then “Flip horizontally” and again “Flip vertically”. Tada a view from the top like I look at the things! HUZZA!

Turning cameras and a clean workspace

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sundancerJames Cutts Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

What is this cleaning up of which you speak?

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