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Spring Clean 2020- Da Air-Whaaggggg

Spring Clean 2020- Da Air-Whaaggggg

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Start Da Engin ya Grots!

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 7

“Get to da Choppa!” – Last words of Ork Ace Pilot ‘Buzzerz’ before his head was removed by an actual choppa by his co-pilot ‘Denze’

With this isolation its time to finally get this project completed, so I’m hoping to end up with at the end of the project;
30 Deffkoptas – 5 Squads of 6 –
Redz Sqwadren – 6 Deffkoptas with Twin big Shoota –
Bluz Sqwadren – 6 Deffkoptas with Twin big Shoota –
Golda Sqwadren – 6 Deffkoptas with KoptaRokkits –
Rhouge Sqwadren – 3 Deffkoptas with KoptaRokkits, 3 Deffkoptas with Twin big Shoota –
Fhenoix Sqwadren – 3 Deffkoptas with KoptaRokkits, 3 Deffkoptas with Twin big Shoota
Deffkilla Wartrike (But as a Kopta)
3×10 Gretchin Units, aka the ground krew.

Ive been sitting on this project now for well over 9 months as I’ve slowly collected the old plastic deffkopta models and trying to work it round my everyday life. I want to run with a ‘Star Wars’ theme such as the names and each and every miniature will have customer work to make it different from all the others. Ill be uploading images soon of where I currently am. Thanks for taking a look at my project

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kharegimlimburger Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

So no Blue Thunda ?
Might steel that idea when I get back to my own orkses.

I wonder what the ‘Ghost’ (from SW:Rebels) would be like in Orkish 😉


Very keen to see this project come together!

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