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Gaz's Spring Clean Hobby Challenge 2020

Gaz's Spring Clean Hobby Challenge 2020

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Something a little different, one of the bases I printed gets some paint.

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 1

So I went in on the Titan Forge Patreon mainly for the lovely bases that come each month. You get around 40-50 of the same theme in all their various sizes and shapes.

For my 40k force, I was looking at microart studios who do some stunning stuff but it was going to be hundreds of pounds. When I saw the theme of the bases in the welcome package I was very happy as they were close to what I wanted and even with buying the printer it was going to work out around the same cost but open up a whole new world for me.

So now just to stick the Commissar to this and that’s my first fully done mini for my Kill Team/40k force.

The colours I used are listed below.The colours I used are listed below.

So the process was

Spray black then zenith white

The cobbles and pillar

Basilicanum Grey (C) the cracks and gaps

Apothecary White (C) the topmost surfaces and sides

Second layer of AW now just doing the upper surfaces

Thinned down layer of Mechanicus Standard Grey (B) towards the shadows

Thinned down layer of Dawnstone (L) towards the highlight

Mix Dawnstone 4:1 White Scar (L) thin and apply at the highlight

Heavily watered down Nuln Oil (S) in the shadows

Heavily watered down Drakenhof Nightshade to blend at the edge of the previous layer.


Eshin Grey (L)

Ironbreaker (L)

Stormhost Silver (L) highlight

Nuln Oil (S) wash not thinned

Ironbreaker (L) highlight

Stormhost Silver (L) edge highlight


Creed Camo (C)

Warpstone Glow (L)

Elysian Geen (L) highlight

Elysian Green (L) 50:50 Yriel Yellow (L) edge highlight

Base Edge

Abaddon Black (B)


Happy hobbying everyone!


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GazEddy Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Great looking bases and final results. Thanks for the Titan Forge tip, I’ve recently started printing myself and will definitely check out their Patreon.
What’s your photoshoot set up? Your images are very crisp and high quality.

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