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Mythic Battles: Pantheon by lawnor

Mythic Battles: Pantheon by lawnor

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Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5
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Base coated with 50/50 Instar Bark Brown / Instar IV-29 and then given a wash made from IV-19Base coated with 50/50 Instar Bark Brown / Instar IV-29 and then given a wash made from IV-19
Skin continued:  Highlight with 1:3 Bark Brown:IV19 with a little water and GW Lahmium Medium.  Highlight with IV19 with a little water and GW Lahmium Medium.  Highlight with 2:1 IV-19: Instar Dead Flesh with a little water and GW Lahmium Medium.  Finally, highlight with Dead Flesh  with a little water and GW Lahmium Medium.  Mix up a wash of 1:1 Bark Brown:Black and apply this to the deep recesses only.  Brown Hair: Base with P3 Bloodtracker Brown, drybrush with P3 Beast hide and wash with GW Agrax EarthshadeSkin continued: Highlight with 1:3 Bark Brown:IV19 with a little water and GW Lahmium Medium. Highlight with IV19 with a little water and GW Lahmium Medium. Highlight with 2:1 IV-19: Instar Dead Flesh with a little water and GW Lahmium Medium. Finally, highlight with Dead Flesh with a little water and GW Lahmium Medium. Mix up a wash of 1:1 Bark Brown:Black and apply this to the deep recesses only. Brown Hair: Base with P3 Bloodtracker Brown, drybrush with P3 Beast hide and wash with GW Agrax Earthshade
Mid tone leather: Base with Colour Party Paints MA41 Oakstaff, or any standard leather, wash with Agrax Earthshade, then highlight with P3 Beast Hide.  Pale leather:  These surfaces have been kept clear of overspill from surrounding paint jobs.  Any paint on them is even across the surface and has natural gradients to it.  Any areas that needed it were given a drybrush of white to enhance future highlights.  Everything was then drybrushed with S75 Iroko and washed with thinned S75 Inktense Chesnut.  Selective drybrushing of Iroko followed for final highlights / wear.  Rich leather: Base with S75 Black Leather.  All highlights had extra water and Lahmium Medium added.  Highlight up with 1:1 Black Leather : S75 Red Leather, then Red Leather, then 1:1 Red leather : SC Orange Leather, and finally just Orange Leather, which I admit I drybrushed over the rope parts as I'm not a mad man.Mid tone leather: Base with Colour Party Paints MA41 Oakstaff, or any standard leather, wash with Agrax Earthshade, then highlight with P3 Beast Hide. Pale leather: These surfaces have been kept clear of overspill from surrounding paint jobs. Any paint on them is even across the surface and has natural gradients to it. Any areas that needed it were given a drybrush of white to enhance future highlights. Everything was then drybrushed with S75 Iroko and washed with thinned S75 Inktense Chesnut. Selective drybrushing of Iroko followed for final highlights / wear. Rich leather: Base with S75 Black Leather. All highlights had extra water and Lahmium Medium added. Highlight up with 1:1 Black Leather : S75 Red Leather, then Red Leather, then 1:1 Red leather : SC Orange Leather, and finally just Orange Leather, which I admit I drybrushed over the rope parts as I'm not a mad man.
Rusted Iron: Base with P3 Pig Iron.  Patchily coat with GW Typhous Corrosion.  Wash with GW Nuln Oil.  Drybrush with Ryza Rust.  Gently drybrush with P3 Cold Steel.  Rusted Iron: Base with P3 Pig Iron. Patchily coat with GW Typhous Corrosion. Wash with GW Nuln Oil. Drybrush with Ryza Rust. Gently drybrush with P3 Cold Steel.
All finishedAll finished

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