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Mythic Battles: Pantheon by lawnor

Mythic Battles: Pantheon by lawnor

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Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5
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The gold is being painted the same as for the Griffon.  I've yet to apply the final highlightThe gold is being painted the same as for the Griffon. I've yet to apply the final highlight
The gold was highlighted as with earlier models.  Female Skin: Base with P3 Midlund Flesh mixed with P3 Ryn Flesh.  Wash with Midlund Flesh and P3 Battledress Green.  Wash with Midlund Flesh and P3 Skorne Flesh.  Highlight with P3 Ryn Flesh.  Hair: Base P3 Sangine Base, Highlight P3 Sanguine HighlightThe gold was highlighted as with earlier models. Female Skin: Base with P3 Midlund Flesh mixed with P3 Ryn Flesh. Wash with Midlund Flesh and P3 Battledress Green. Wash with Midlund Flesh and P3 Skorne Flesh. Highlight with P3 Ryn Flesh. Hair: Base P3 Sangine Base, Highlight P3 Sanguine Highlight
Iron: Base with P3 Pig Iron, wash with GW Nuln Oil and highlight with P3 Cold Steel. Iron: Base with P3 Pig Iron, wash with GW Nuln Oil and highlight with P3 Cold Steel.
All done.All done.

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