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Mythic Battles: Pantheon by lawnor

Mythic Battles: Pantheon by lawnor

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Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5
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White painted the same as elsewhereWhite painted the same as elsewhere
God Flesh: Base with Reaper Caucasian Flesh.  Wash with Reaper Flesh Wash.  Reclaim most with Caucassian flesh.  First highlights with 50/50 Caucasian Flesh/Reaper Maiden Flesh, and then pure Maiden Flesh.  Blonde Hair: Base with Reaper 09256 Blonde Shadow, drybrush with Reaper 09258 Blonde Highlight and wash with Coat d'arms 113 Flesh Ink WashGod Flesh: Base with Reaper Caucasian Flesh. Wash with Reaper Flesh Wash. Reclaim most with Caucassian flesh. First highlights with 50/50 Caucasian Flesh/Reaper Maiden Flesh, and then pure Maiden Flesh. Blonde Hair: Base with Reaper 09256 Blonde Shadow, drybrush with Reaper 09258 Blonde Highlight and wash with Coat d'arms 113 Flesh Ink Wash
Mid tone leather: Base with Colour Party Paints MA41 Oakstaff, or any standard leather, wash with Agrax Earthshade, then highlight with P3 Beast Hide.  Rich leather: Base with S75 Black Leather.  All highlights had extra water and Lahmium Medium added.  Highlight up with 1:1 Black Leather : S75 Red Leather, then Red Leather, then 1:1 Red leather : SC Orange Leather, and finally just Orange Leather.Mid tone leather: Base with Colour Party Paints MA41 Oakstaff, or any standard leather, wash with Agrax Earthshade, then highlight with P3 Beast Hide. Rich leather: Base with S75 Black Leather. All highlights had extra water and Lahmium Medium added. Highlight up with 1:1 Black Leather : S75 Red Leather, then Red Leather, then 1:1 Red leather : SC Orange Leather, and finally just Orange Leather.
Yellow Cloth: Base with P3 Mouldy Ochre.  Highlight with P3 Menoth White base.  Wash with 1:1 Mouldy Ochre : P3 Rucksack Tan.  Yellow Leather: Base with Caor d'arms 159 Golden Yellow.  Wash with Coat d'arms 224 Horse Tone Bay.  Highlight with Coat d'arms 103 Sun Yellow.  Silver: Base with VGC Chainmail.  Mix up some 1:1:1 Lahmium Medium : Instar Water+ (Water will likely do) : Nuln Oil and apply to the gaps between plates and along edges only.  Add some VMA Chrome to the Chainmail and highlight.   The breastplate looks a lot smoother in person.Yellow Cloth: Base with P3 Mouldy Ochre. Highlight with P3 Menoth White base. Wash with 1:1 Mouldy Ochre : P3 Rucksack Tan. Yellow Leather: Base with Caor d'arms 159 Golden Yellow. Wash with Coat d'arms 224 Horse Tone Bay. Highlight with Coat d'arms 103 Sun Yellow. Silver: Base with VGC Chainmail. Mix up some 1:1:1 Lahmium Medium : Instar Water+ (Water will likely do) : Nuln Oil and apply to the gaps between plates and along edges only. Add some VMA Chrome to the Chainmail and highlight. The breastplate looks a lot smoother in person.
High Gold: Undercoat brown.  Base with AK Old Brass, wash with GSW Pecaton Flesh and highlight with AK Brass. High Gold: Undercoat brown. Base with AK Old Brass, wash with GSW Pecaton Flesh and highlight with AK Brass.
All done.All done.

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