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Mythic Battles: Pantheon by lawnor

Mythic Battles: Pantheon by lawnor

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Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 6
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based with Darkstar Victorian Gold, then zenithally highlighted with 50/50 Victorian Gold / Darkstar Silver Verde.  he was then drybrushed with Silver Verde, washed with Handcraft Tabletop Algenmoos, and given a little Handcraft Tabletop Dunkelschatten in the deeper areas and select splashesbased with Darkstar Victorian Gold, then zenithally highlighted with 50/50 Victorian Gold / Darkstar Silver Verde. he was then drybrushed with Silver Verde, washed with Handcraft Tabletop Algenmoos, and given a little Handcraft Tabletop Dunkelschatten in the deeper areas and select splashes
Male Skin: Base with P3 Midlund Flesh.  Wash with Midlund Flesh and P3 Skorne Flesh.  Wash with Midlund Flesh and P3 Battledress Green.  Wash with Skorne Red and Battledress Green.  Highlight with Midlund Flesh mixed with P3 Ryn Flesh.  Black Hair: Base with VMC 70.862 Black Grey, drybrush with P3 Bastion Grey and wash GW Nuln Oil.Male Skin: Base with P3 Midlund Flesh. Wash with Midlund Flesh and P3 Skorne Flesh. Wash with Midlund Flesh and P3 Battledress Green. Wash with Skorne Red and Battledress Green. Highlight with Midlund Flesh mixed with P3 Ryn Flesh. Black Hair: Base with VMC 70.862 Black Grey, drybrush with P3 Bastion Grey and wash GW Nuln Oil.
Mid tone leather: Base with Colour Party Paints MA41 Oakstaff, or any standard leather, wash with Agrax Earthshade, then highlight with P3 Beast Hide.  Rich leather: Base with S75 Black Leather.  All highlights had extra water and Lahmium Medium added.  Highlight up with 1:1 Black Leather : S75 Red Leather, then Red Leather, then 1:1 Red leather : SC Orange Leather, and finally just Orange Leather.Mid tone leather: Base with Colour Party Paints MA41 Oakstaff, or any standard leather, wash with Agrax Earthshade, then highlight with P3 Beast Hide. Rich leather: Base with S75 Black Leather. All highlights had extra water and Lahmium Medium added. Highlight up with 1:1 Black Leather : S75 Red Leather, then Red Leather, then 1:1 Red leather : SC Orange Leather, and finally just Orange Leather.
Iron: Base with P3 Pig Iron, wash with GW Nuln Oil and highlight with P3 Cold Steel.  Iron: Base with P3 Pig Iron, wash with GW Nuln Oil and highlight with P3 Cold Steel.
White Cloth: Base with Andrea Colour White 1 Base.  Add a little White 6 Shadow 2 and shade. Add deeper shades with pure Shadow.  Highlight up by mixing Base and White 3 Light 2 and finally with just Light 2.White Cloth: Base with Andrea Colour White 1 Base. Add a little White 6 Shadow 2 and shade. Add deeper shades with pure Shadow. Highlight up by mixing Base and White 3 Light 2 and finally with just Light 2.
All done.All done.

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