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Mythic Battles: Pantheon by lawnor

Mythic Battles: Pantheon by lawnor

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Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Painted using Creature Caster Pro-Acryl paints through an airbrush over a zenithal.  Based with Dark Grey Blue, Highlighted with Blue, and zenithally highlighted with Faded UltramarinePainted using Creature Caster Pro-Acryl paints through an airbrush over a zenithal. Based with Dark Grey Blue, Highlighted with Blue, and zenithally highlighted with Faded Ultramarine
Female Skin: Base with P3 Midlund Flesh mixed with P3 Ryn Flesh.  Wash with Midlund Flesh and P3 Battledress Green.  Wash with Midlund Flesh and P3 Skorne Flesh.  Highlight with P3 Ryn Flesh.  Black Hair: Base with VMC 70.862 Black Grey, drybrush with P3 Bastion Grey and wash GW Nuln Oil.Female Skin: Base with P3 Midlund Flesh mixed with P3 Ryn Flesh. Wash with Midlund Flesh and P3 Battledress Green. Wash with Midlund Flesh and P3 Skorne Flesh. Highlight with P3 Ryn Flesh. Black Hair: Base with VMC 70.862 Black Grey, drybrush with P3 Bastion Grey and wash GW Nuln Oil.
Silver: Base with VGC Chainmail.  Mix up some 1:1:1 Lahmium Medium : Instar Water+ (Water will likely do) : Nuln Oil and wash carefully and sparingly.  Add some VMA Chrome to the Chainmail and highlight.  Edge highlight with Chrome.  Silver: Base with VGC Chainmail. Mix up some 1:1:1 Lahmium Medium : Instar Water+ (Water will likely do) : Nuln Oil and wash carefully and sparingly. Add some VMA Chrome to the Chainmail and highlight. Edge highlight with Chrome.
The bowl was painted the same blighted gold as used elsewhere.  After basing and varnishing GW Blood for the Blood God was applied to the end of the dagger and inside the bowl and as a few drops on the floor between the two.The bowl was painted the same blighted gold as used elsewhere. After basing and varnishing GW Blood for the Blood God was applied to the end of the dagger and inside the bowl and as a few drops on the floor between the two.

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