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Random Stuff (with good reason)

Random Stuff (with good reason)

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Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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The first unit of Snowtroopers done, one more to go.

Didn’t want to go too bright, so the armour has no pure white.


  • Black below, grey main primer and white zenith


  • Army Painter Dark tone wash
  • Vallejo Dark Sea Grey layer 1
  • Vallejo Dark Sea Grey and Sky Grey 1-2 mix layer 2
  • Sky Grey layer 3
  • Sky Grey and Daler Rowney White Ink 1-1 mix layer 4

Cloth inc. boots

  • Vallejo Stone Grey basecoat
  • Army Painter Soft Tone wash
  • Stone Grey layer 1
  • Stone Grey and Sky Grey 2-1 mix layer 2
  • Stone Grey and Sky Grey 1-2 mix layer 3


  • Scalecolor Heavy Metal basecoat
  • Citadel Contrast Black Templar layer
  • Scalecolor Thrash Metal layer 2 on flamer muzzle only.

Based with various mixes of Army Painter Brown Battleground, Battleground Rocks and Snow. Was a little unsure of the snow as it looked too powdery, but adding some watery PVA at the end seemed to help.

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