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Achtung! Reichbusters: Projekt Vril

Achtung! Reichbusters: Projekt Vril

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Almost Done

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 6
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Almost Done

Before I highlighted the mini I varnished it with AK interactive Ultra Matte.

I added the following colors

  • Added wood to gun
    • Army Painter Veteran Leather
  • All metal bits including highlighting gun (buttons, leather buckles, canteen cap, knife handle parts)
    • Gun Metal
  • Collar/shoulder strips along with cross outline and arm insignia
    • Army Painter 6XX Claw
  • Goggle lens reflection
    • Gun Metal
  • I used base color of individual parts and added a little of Buster Flesh to create the highlight color.
    • I used dry brushing on some items along with edge highlights
  • I painted the base
    • brick area
      • Veteran Leather + Comrade Brown
      • washed with Agrax Earthshade
      • highlighted with base color
    • street area
      • Matt Black + Shrieker Grey
      • washed with Nuln Oil
      • highlighted with base color + 6XX Claw (a little bit)

I finished the mini with another coat of AK Interactive Ultra Matt Varnish skipping metal parts.

I then varnished flesh, leather with vallejo matt varnish (I find it to be a semi matt)

lastly I varnished the lens with gloss.


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