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Evilstu's Fantasy Progress 2020

Evilstu's Fantasy Progress 2020

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More of this and that...

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 7
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Jumping around between a few bits and pieces. First up, pulling together and restoring a few recent second hand procurements has yielded the following. Can’t make any progress at the moment because I have no space due to a backlog of minor projects I need to clear. Subsequent to this photo being taken I have tidied up the silver primer on the chaos warriors where the earlier red paint coat was showing through too, so all set to go as soon as I have time/space.

May also upscale and print a bigger mammoth 🙂

Moar chaos...Moar chaos...
A box of Wargames Atlantic halflings getting base colours applied - Reaper bones orcs, gnolls and yet to be commenced hobgoblins in the background...A box of Wargames Atlantic halflings getting base colours applied - Reaper bones orcs, gnolls and yet to be commenced hobgoblins in the background...
Also got this stripped back after a couple of attempts - ended up resorting to soaking it in Winsor & Newton brush restorer for a couple of days. No idea what it was primed with originally but I suspect it was designed to block radiation...Also got this stripped back after a couple of attempts - ended up resorting to soaking it in Winsor & Newton brush restorer for a couple of days. No idea what it was primed with originally but I suspect it was designed to block radiation...
And in Kitbash Corner today, Evilstu combines GW High Elf pieces with Shieldwolf Shieldmaiden torsos to see if he can get away with using these to do an Everqueen themed High Elf Force. Because reasons, clearly...And in Kitbash Corner today, Evilstu combines GW High Elf pieces with Shieldwolf Shieldmaiden torsos to see if he can get away with using these to do an Everqueen themed High Elf Force. Because reasons, clearly...

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