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Brisket Bust by Broken Toad: Lawnor's first ever bust (& a cheeky attempt at winning the Spring Cleaning comp)

Brisket Bust by Broken Toad: Lawnor's first ever bust (& a cheeky attempt at winning the Spring Cleaning comp)

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Am I done now? I think I might be done? What do you think?

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8

Am I done, or should I revist the gold on the hair things? What are they called, anyway? I’m happier with the gold right now than I have been, but I could perhaps do better. I have some IRL comparrisons now and a better understanding of nmm. I could also make it worse, or slip or spill and ruin the whole piece. Its taken me all day to do the iron so theres many hours to redo the gold, or I could take the win, be happy and move on to something else?

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Cult of Games Member

This looks fantastic. I’d stop there. The NMM looks great. Superb stuff.

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