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15mm Dark Age Game Suggestions

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  civilcourage 4 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hi all,

    I picked up the forged in battle 15mm dark age kickstarter because they are just awesome miniatures, I’m now in need of a game to give me an excuse to use them.

    Can anyone suggest some popular 15mm dark age games I could look into?

    I realise theres a lot of rules that are scale agnostic to some degree but wanted to throw it out there and see what’s around. Would love to hear why you would recommend the game too.

    I’ve ruled out DBM, Hail Ceaser and Saga for various reasons.

    Cheers all


    Cult of Games Member

    I would recommend Dux Bellorum and Basic Impetus.  Both of course are scale agnostic as all games are. Clash of Spears has some dark age variants coming soon. I haven’t played but Dux Brittanium  but is also meant to be good. To the strongest is also an excellent game and is played on a grid



    I’m the same boat.  I got a Anglo-Saxon and Viking army in that Kickstarter, along with the rules which they haven’t printed yet.  I have my eye on this game Mortem el Gloriam (MEG) that has been out for while and is about to be re-released by the Plastic Soldier Company with nice a rulebook and accessories.  The basing is standard with other 15mm ancients games which is very appealing.  MEG was meant to be released at Salute so they must be about ready to go.


    Cult of Games Member

    @beccas  I just bought the older version of MeG a couple of weeks ago as it was half price and all the cards and dice were included.  I haven’t had much of a chance to read it yet but everything I’ve seen online and other people I know who play  it I think it will be a good experience



    Thanks @beccas and @torros
    I just want to get them based and painted really but don’t want to base them all and find I have to redo them at a later date.
    I saw the MEG review I think Gerry did so I’ll have another look at that, especially as they’re doing a single player variant.

    It’s good to hear a few of these games have the same basing systems.

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