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Mongolian Fantasy Army

Mongolian Fantasy Army

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Adding another beast to the fray.

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Idea 8
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I like monsters, and therefore Monglols like monsters too! They have a legend of the Alma, which is a kind of Yeti wild man type creature.

So I’m playing around with the idea of adding a tank to the Command unit kind of an enslaved protector to suck up a ton of wounds and allow our leader (probably a Khan I imagine!) to dish out some devastating close combat.

This bad boy is my current pick for the role…

Adding another beast to the fray.
Adding another beast to the fray.

I really like the idea of him carrying captured leaders of other factions around as a reminder!

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redsarge Recent comment authors
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Maybe this is from Wizkids Deep Cut or Nozulr’s Fabulous Minis?

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