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“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!”

“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!”

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Character Painting Begins and a Discovery...

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 4
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I decided to start with Belladonna and began by painting the horse tabard with Screaming Pink followed by a wash of Corruna Red. I added flesh tones to the rider and started to bring through a light blue semi-transparent dress on the rider. Painting stopped at that point because of a discovery I found in my bottomless bag of holding!

And the discovery was a load more Bretonnian knights in a shoe box plus an unopened box of knights, a number  of loose mounted characters in various states of painting and a unit of dogs of war mounted Arabian knights…

I’m sure there are some men at arms, bowmen and some other characters further down in my bottomless bag of holding! It’s enough for an Army on Parade. I seem to recall getting them with the intention of building a Knights of Albion force, but when GW destroyed the Old World and Bretonnians disappeared from their website, I moved on to my beloved 40K tanks. Anyhow… what shall I do with this lot?

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