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1/200 Scale Japanese Destroyer 3D Print Project

1/200 Scale Japanese Destroyer 3D Print Project

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Ready to print the bow section again!

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
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The STL has been dropped into Chi Tu Box and readied for printing.

You’ll notice that I used the “Dig Hole” tool to punch some holes in the model for the excess resin to drain out.  This is necessary because I hollowed the model so as to use less material.

A side note…  Removing the antenna structure from the nose also had the added benefit of reducing the print time by almost 2 hours.

New print is underway!

Holes dug into the top of the deck to allow excess resin to drain.  The software automatically creates matching plugs for closing the holes later.Holes dug into the top of the deck to allow excess resin to drain. The software automatically creates matching plugs for closing the holes later.

You’ll also notice that I placed the model on the print bed a little differently than with the first print.  I did this in case I should happen to get the same odd defect in the deck.  Placing the model a little differently will cause the defect to be in a different location if the LED screen is going bad.

I chose to try without supports again, even though the last print should have had supports for the anchors.  But since I greatly thickened the anchor shafts, I’m hoping that supports will not be necessary this time.

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