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Hellboy (an old Spring Clean Challenge)

Hellboy (an old Spring Clean Challenge)

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Length is good but…..

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 11
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So as I work through gluing magnets and stuffing green stuff I become increasingly irritated by the absurdly long long arms of the riflemen. The magazine isn’t showing in this pic but it appears the sculptor couldn’t choose between a 98k or G43 so Frankensteined them.  It may have been artistic license but it bugs the sh!t outa me. So I do something about it. Though by scale the rifles are still a few mm too long I used 2 convenient steps in the model to snip out a section on all the riflemen and use a 2 part plastic adhesive to weld the barrel back in place.

Length is good but…..

As a matter of course green stuffing always leaves you some green stuff left over so I start twiddling and because a skull always comes in handy and I can always do with the practice.

Length is good but…..

But I still had left over green stuffing. So I get to thinking about how pulpy Hellboy is and how maybe I could come up something to use as a clue counter to be used in the game, and thought about how I have few other pulpy games of similar scale such as Dust 1947,and  Reichbusters, and then I remembered ….a skull needs a …..

Brain in a jarBrain in a jar

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