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Lupa15's Horus Heresy Thousand Sons

Lupa15's Horus Heresy Thousand Sons

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Adding some city rubble to the bases

Tutoring 2
Skill 6
Idea 4
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After noticing that the bases seemed just a little bare I wanted to add some city rubble to the bases but didn’t want to over do it. While normally add some random tufts of grass, that didn’t quite work in this case.  To solve that I decided to spring for some Gale Force Nine Hobby Round Rocky Basing Grit (GFS023) and Gale Force Nine Hobby Scenics: Concrete Rubble Mix.

I broke off little pieces of the Concrete Rubble and added a few random pieces to the unfinished bases. I sprinkled on some of the Rocky Basing Grit near those pieces of concrete rubble. After painting them Citadel Zandri Dust I gave them an overall wash of Citadel Agrax Earthshade and overbrushed them with Citadel Karak Stone to bring the tan color back up but leaving the dark brown in the recesses.  Finally I dry brushed them with Citadel Tyrant Skull.

Overall I am happy with the effect but I do want to add some random spots of Army Painter Razorwire to finish the effect.

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