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DunKeldorf Diary

DunKeldorf Diary

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Project Blog by commodorerob Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 345

About the Project

Back towards the end of last year the Kickstarter for Dunkeldorf landed. Right in the middle of my house renovations. Now I am in lockdown the house is almost ready. I can get on with these beautiful mini's.

This Project is Active

Day 10 - Little Big Dunkledorf Peacock

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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On a bit if a roll this week, I have also completed Littleton Proudcock. The land lord and Casanova of the Prancing Peacock. I have utilised almost exclusively contrast paints for Littleton. Using a combination of Blood angels red and flesh tears red for his crushedred velvet valure suit.

The inspiration actually came from the character of Remirez in Highlander ( Sean Connery). He was called a Spanish Peacock by the Highlander… As Littleton is the Patron of the Prancing Peacock I only think it’s fitting ?

DAY 9 - Eva you have it or you don't

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 8
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So after another bit of a hiatus, I finished the next one of the Dunkledorfians, Eva Eilhart the Bailiff. I used a combination of contrast and regular paints on this figure. So after another bit of a hiatus, I finished the next one of the Dunkledorfians, Eva Eilhart the Bailiff. I used a combination of contrast and regular paints on this figure.

DAY 8 - Big guys don't cry

Tutoring 11
Skill 19
Idea 12

After a little hiatus I have finally got around to finishing the Dunkeldorf Bouncer. It is as an expressive mini, it’s been many years since I last painted an Ogre do it was a bit of a change.

Since I last posted the guys at King Games have launched a new Kickstarter for the Dunkeldorf range, so if you like the mini’s here is your opportunity to get their new Tavern range plus you can pick up the ones from this previous Kickstarter.




Day 7 - Borgomeister and Chips

Tutoring 10
Skill 18
Idea 14
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Finished up Herman the Borgomeister, these figures are lovely to work with. I kept the scheme pretty simple with Green and Yellow and Red.

Working on Herman was great to paint as his face has such a fab expression on it.

Started work on Leopold, first up some Army Painter barbarian flesh, followed by some Army Painter flesh wash. Started work on Leopold, first up some Army Painter barbarian flesh, followed by some Army Painter flesh wash.

Day 6 - Oldest profession in town

Tutoring 11
Skill 17
Idea 16
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Next up is the local courtesan, going with my plan to keep these figures bright and colourful, I have fond for a pink theme.

Next is Herman the Burgomeister, possibly a client of to the lady in pink?Next is Herman the Burgomeister, possibly a client of to the lady in pink?

Day 5 - Off the Block

Tutoring 8
Skill 20
Idea 14
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Finished Gowak the Butcher almost forgot the eyes but remembered just in time.Finished Gowak the Butcher almost forgot the eyes but remembered just in time.
The Lloyd shot as is required.?The Lloyd shot as is required.?

Day 4 - Chop Chop

Tutoring 9
Skill 13
Idea 11
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So first up on the block is Gowak the Butcher. A stout fellow, I decided to go with a blue theme. For him to match the butch striped apron. I am going to try and get as much colour into the mini's as possible.So first up on the block is Gowak the Butcher. A stout fellow, I decided to go with a blue theme. For him to match the butch striped apron. I am going to try and get as much colour into the mini's as possible.

Day 3 - Washing Day in the Village

Tutoring 11
Skill 13
Idea 14
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After a primer of Army Painter spray, I washed all the figures in the Army Painter strong tone. After a primer of Army Painter spray, I washed all the figures in the Army Painter strong tone.

Day 2 - Villagers Assemble

Tutoring 8
Skill 7
Idea 12

Second day and the continuation of cleaning and preping and basing the mini’s.

Old Tully, beggar and entrepreneurOld Tully, beggar and entrepreneur
Littleton Proudcock, Innkeeper and absolutely fabulous ( not going to ask why but with a name like that who can argue) Littleton Proudcock, Innkeeper and absolutely fabulous ( not going to ask why but with a name like that who can argue)
Stella KaufmanStella Kaufman
Drinking UpDrinking Up
Reiner KrunkenbergReiner Krunkenberg
Mr ClippersMr Clippers
Bertha the Rat catcherBertha the Rat catcher
Wurt Kerter, Wood CutterWurt Kerter, Wood Cutter
Linus WitznerLinus Witzner
Erika Schmidt, BlacksmithErika Schmidt, Blacksmith

Day 1 - Meet the Villagers

Tutoring 10
Skill 8
Idea 14
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Here is the group of villagersHere is the group of villagers
The mug to go with the project it is nice for a cup of coffee ?The mug to go with the project it is nice for a cup of coffee ?
First figure prepared and basedFirst figure prepared and based
Leopold, the OgreLeopold, the Ogre
The old croneThe old crone
Herman the BorgomeisterHerman the Borgomeister
Eva Eilhart the BaliffEva Eilhart the Baliff
Lumilla Von Struttendorf, Nobel WomanLumilla Von Struttendorf, Nobel Woman
Haelger  Grimdottir, CaptainHaelger Grimdottir, Captain
Floria, The Courtesan Floria, The Courtesan

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