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Mages Arcworlde Spring-cleaning 08/06 1x Mini-update

Mages Arcworlde Spring-cleaning 08/06 1x Mini-update

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Halfling Militia/Objective - Billy Booseup

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Billie Booseup is quite a sozzled halfling. As per the blurb on the product its a surprise he is on the battlefield. I like to think he is a halfling with a fondness for the sauce and gets bounced around different militias or regiments as nobody wants to ‘deal’ with him, but that is my own ‘head canon’. Hence how clean his uniform is (not being sent to the front lines much) and how it will differ from the rest of the army (he isn’t from here!).


He can be used as an objective marker or as a fill in for a Halfling Militia model. Personally, I like the idea of a well meaning inebriated halfling needing their butt dragged to safety so I would lean toward using him as an objective marker.


I did little on the model initially which was quite a while back, as it was for most of the miniatures I own for this game. He was finished around the same time in mid to late March with Bibington Bells and Professor Chalk while I was on self-isolation and then after that reduced work shifts. He had some skin painted and maybe his tunic which I went over with different colours and did to completion as you see now.


This mini was originally an expansion/add-on to the Battle for Troll Bridhe and was subsequent released to retail. You can get your own metal Billy here:



Halfling Militia/Objective - Billy Booseup
Halfling Militia/Objective - Billy Booseup
Halfling Militia/Objective - Billy Booseup
Halfling Militia/Objective - Billy Booseup

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