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“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!”

“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!”

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Cavalry Painting First Stages

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 5
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Taking a look at the mounted unit and I’ve decided to paint the back row in parallel, moving from one horse and rider to the next, allowing the paint to dry and therefore attempting to get a consistency in tone and process for the four horsemen.

The horses need to be prepared for their blazens to adorn the barding. So, I’ve selected appropriate base colours to take the transfers. This means that the lighter base paints white and yellow can take black or white emblems, whilst the black base colour will take the white emblems.

The harnesses and other leather work were all painted with the same brown for consistency. At this stage, I’m not too worried about the rough and ready painting as in later stages I will tone down the brightness with washes and will highlight and pick out details before moving onto weathering the models.

All models were left to dry for around an hour before washes were introduced to the barding – yellow wash over cream, dark blue wash over the blue (teal), brown wash over yellow base and red wash over red base colour. Armour was washed with the blue wash.

Next up will be flesh tones for both riders and horses and highlights for barding.

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