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JOA Hovels & Houses - Unfinished Business

JOA Hovels & Houses - Unfinished Business

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Tutoring 1
Skill 5
Idea 2
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Today is Boardgames Day on Board Games arena.  Just finished a cracking two player game of Stone Age with my son who is in the UK and have a 4 player game of Clans of Caledonia scheduled at 2pm.

I have made made a bit of progress though.  Another two hoses finished!

This was the state early this morning…

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I spent the time on just two houses.

First was a diluted wash of Contrast Wyldwood on the timber frame works.

Next, an art acrylic white & yellow in all the windows.

Then a light grey (arts acrylic mix of yellow, white and a hint of black) drybrush – several coats – on the roofs to highlight the shingles.

Windows were washed with diluted GW Blazing Orange and when dried a dab of art acrylic yellow was added to each one.  The timberwork around the windows was touched up with the diluted Wyldwood.

The door and shutter hinges and knockers were done in a diluted art Acrylic Black and when dry gived a very light hint of Army Painter Plate Mail Metal.

Chimneys were washed with a very diluted Nuln Oil / Black Ink wash and the tops painted with black art acrylic.

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And that’s it for now…

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