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JOA Hovels & Houses - Unfinished Business

JOA Hovels & Houses - Unfinished Business

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More housework - and three pieces finished.

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Some days are more productive than others.  Today I just kept falling asleep.  I have lots of lights set up but working at 15mm gives me eyestrain.  The body’s getting old even if I am still young at heart.  Anyway, back to the project…

Today I was just playing with contrasts and other paints &washes to see different effects at 15mm.

I did some batch painting to begin with and then started tackling buildings individually to get some finished.

I started off with picking out bits of timber work and chinmey stonework with a diluted mix of  GW Contrast Snakebite Leather.  This is a good medium brown on the project and like all the contrast paints it looks different over each primer colour.

More housework - and three pieces finished.

I don’t have the full range of Contrast Paints and a lot that I do have I haven’t tried yet. I liked the test board the Lloyd did on XLBS last weekend so I think I will have a go at doing my own reference board for future projects.

I started off with out of the bottle GW Contrast Apothecary White for a darker dirtier daub on the walls. It was difficult to get it into the very small areas and it pooled a lot. I syphoned the excess continuously using the tip of a dry brush, and did a several layers. The results weren’t great and I ended up later going other it with an art acrylic mix of yellow, white and a hint of black.

More housework - and three pieces finished.

To vary the wood shades I tried a diluted GW Contrast Wyldwood.  This is much darker and has good coverage.

More housework - and three pieces finished.

I did the lit windows the same way as for the castle, but used art acrylics yellow and white instead of the Citadel Averland Sunset basecoat first nd last.

I also went round with an extremely diluted wash of GW Black Ink / Citadel Nuln Oil and Acrylic Thinners (so there was very little pigment) and dirtied up some roofs and walls.

Some buildings were dirtied with just diluted Citedel Nuln Oil to vary the colour range.

More housework - and three pieces finished.

And then finally for today, just a bit more window work and some detailing.

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