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Guild Ball Kick Off Spring Clean

Guild Ball Kick Off Spring Clean

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On the Facebook Guild Ball Painting page i have been posting my progress and had a polite comment about my tartan efforts and a mention that the skin on Stave and Hooper was too pink.

I agreed and thought as much when i took the photos. I was considering whether to go back and the comment just edged me in the right direction to have another go at the skin.

The skin had just been a straight up Bugman’s Glow layer with a Reikland Fleshshade wash and Bugman highlights after.

The second attempt had a Grey Seer mix to make them a bit paler. (Even in a fantasy world, if you’re leaning heavily on celtic culture from the real world… I doubt they come from tropical climbs with lots of tanning time on their hands. ?)

Used a before (left) and after (right) pic below, to show the difference.

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