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24 years and counting - Spring cleaning challenge

24 years and counting - Spring cleaning challenge

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Sneaky skaven

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 5
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The goblin bows are covered in super glue so whilst they dry i wanted to see how fast i can paint all 12 skaven.

they were already undercoated and based which was a good start, i then painted the fur snake bite leather and the rags with black templar contrast paints.

i have only just started to play with contrast paints they are great as they speed up my painting a lot.

then i painted the metal parts silver painted some white and red on the sheilds.

once that was all dry i mixed equal parts of rhinox hide and german grey together and lightly sponged the white and metal areas to make them look dirty.

the whole model was then washed with vallejo umber wash that was watered down with contrast medium this toned down the lighter colours to make them look more skaveny and grubby as befits a rat man thst spends most of its time in the sewer looking for warp stone.

Rat men Rat men
Having fun with contrast paintsHaving fun with contrast paints
Pre sponging on the dirtPre sponging on the dirt
Skaven complete with sponged on chips and dirtSkaven complete with sponged on chips and dirt
Bam ? speed painted skavenBam ? speed painted skaven
Sneaky skaven
Sneaky skaven

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