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Walmington-On-Sea Home Guard

Walmington-On-Sea Home Guard

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The beginning of the Guard

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 14
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Warlord Kriegsmarine SquadWarlord Kriegsmarine Squad

So this is a project I’ve wanted to do for ages. In a few different scales. I first decided to do it for Flames of war, after seeing this article ( And then recently when i managed to revive Bolt action at my local club i found the Warlord dad’s army set (which i’m not using, but more on that later) which prompted me to look at doing them in Bolt action. Since then I’ve been digging around to see what gear they used in the programs and what i could use. Below is the list that i am building towards.

  • 1st Lt, Mate (Captain Mainwaring, and Pike)
  • Medic (Godfrey)
  • Arty Observer
  • 10 man section of BEF Regulars with LMG (sheep platoon)
  • 10 man Home Guard Section with LMG and SMG (1st Section)
  • 10 man Home Guard Section with BAR and SMG (2nd Section)
  • 10 Woman Section of Home Guard with BAR and SMG (ATS Section)
  • 10 man Home Guard Section with Bar and 4 Shotgun (Local Hunting Club)
  • 8 man Commando Section with Vickers K Gun and 2 SMG (U-Boat Crew)
  • MMG Team (from the battle of Godfreys cottage)
  • Boys Anti-tank Rifle Team (BEF)
  • Light Mortar (BEF)
  • Sniper Team
  • Light Howitzer with Spotter (They had a naval gun for one episode)
  • 30cwt Truck (Jones Van)
  • Utility Car (they had a staff car for a couple episodes)

Most of this will be coming from a company called Wargames foundry ( Who have a line of Home guard that i loved the look of. Plus some French partisans and Victorians with Shotguns for the hunting club. Also couldn’t resist getting in on Bad Squiddo’s ( latest kickstarter to get the ATS with rifles to be a section, I’ll be converting the Scottish officer to be the SMG and BAR. and finally the sheep platoon is a mix of warlord sheep and some dog’s from Warbases (

Above you can see the first addition to my force the U-Boat crew. The two Panzerfaust men will be only used when there in my Last Levy army as Kriegsmarine.

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