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JOA Castle Painting - Unfinished Business

JOA Castle Painting - Unfinished Business

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JOA Castle Painting - Unfinished Business

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 9
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This morning i put in a couple of hours doing the final (?) drybrush.

I mixed up a big batch a medium grey using Black, White and Yellow art acylics and dry brushed everything.  Mostly with a light coat but used the opportunity to tone down some of the more prominent background colours in places.

All that is left to do now is some detailing and finish off the windows but that can all wait for another day as I have some on-line group board-gaming scheduled shortly.

so here is the progress so far…

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angelicdespot Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

This looks amazing – well done! Very inspiring!

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