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Spring Cleaning - Warhammer Fantasy Slaanesh

Spring Cleaning - Warhammer Fantasy Slaanesh

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Getting to Work

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 5
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Having set to work sorting through a few other bits and pieces I grabbed some of my older slaanesh minis and dumped them in stripper for a week. Spent a good chunk of time today brushing stuff back.

Additionally spent a good deal of yesterday and today rebasing and restoring minis. Progress below. I have another 6 metal daemonette riders to assemble once I print up some more bases to affix them to, another 25 or so plastic daemonette infantry, 13 metal infantry and 5 resin infantry presently soaking so I can brush down the mould release and assemble. Missing a few more parts than I thought so might need to get creative.

Have the Fiend and Keeper of Secrets restored, although I’m not a fan of the head on the keeper of secrets so might try and do something sneaky to mix that up a bit. Will get some suitable proxy minis for more fiends and also need to restore and assemble the confrontation minis I’m using for furies. If I proxy some alternative steeds for the chaos warrior chariot that has found its way into this army then I’ll have a few extra steeds meaning I could kitbash some mounted characters. Will see where I land after a bit more messing around.

Plan is to airbrush all the skintones on the army at the same time for consistency, so I want to get everything assembled and primed before I kick that off.

Extra bits before the stripper...Extra bits before the stripper...
Progress so far...Progress so far...

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