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Bolt Action Japanese 1000pts army

Bolt Action Japanese 1000pts army

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Say Cheese. ?

Tutoring 3
Skill 8
Idea 5
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Say Cheese. ?
Say Cheese. ?
Say Cheese. ?

1000 pts painted.

2nd Lieutenant (Vet.) w/ 2 men – 91 pts

IJA (Reg.) Infantry Squad – NCO & 6 men +8 men (LMG and SMG) – 173 pts

IJA (Reg.) Grenadier Infantry Squad – NCO & 4 men +13 men (SMG, 3 Light Mortars) – 243 pts

IJA (Vet.) Infantry Squad – NCO & 4 men +5 men (LMG and SMG) – 127 pts

MMG Team (Vet.) – 65 pts

Suicide lunge mine (Ireg. x1 Reg. x1) – 1 man units – 34 pts

Sniper (Vet.) w/ spotter – 65 pts

FT17 Tankette (Vet.) – MMG only – One-Man Turret/ Slow / 7+ armour – 42 pts

Type 4 Ho-Ro – Heavy Howitzer – Open-topped/ 7+ armour – 155 pts

10 Dice

995 Points.

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