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“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!”

“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!”

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Here cometh the cavalry!

Tutoring 3
Skill 2
Idea 3
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In January, we had the Jabberwocky, February came the Jubjub Bird and in March the Bandersnatch made it to the monster ball. I think it’s time for some cavalry to come to the rescue during April. It also fits in with the need for a lockdown Spring Clean.

So to continue the theme of some young gung-ho knights on a quest to duel with these monsters, I’ve found in my bottomless ‘bag of holding’ (D&D legacy – it’s that bottomless!) four part-customised Bretonnian plastic knight errants. Add to the group Tristan Le Troubadour, La Repanse, Belladonna from the Dogs of War range and a metal knight errant musician and you get a decent sized mounted squad to charge to the rescue.

Here cometh the cavalry!Here cometh the cavalry!

I’m going to stick with the rectangular bases in part because I don’t have any spare oval ones but also because I actually prefer to see the knights line up in close formation next to each other. I’ve also got a mix of resin scenic bases mainly from micro arts that can be customised to mount the mounts on (hopefully this won’t exclude me from GW’s Armies on Parade if I get that far on expanding the project!). I will use the GW old Bretonnian supplements (1996 & 2003) for paint colour inspiration as I try to make each knight a unique character.

Warhammer Armies Supplements from 1996 and 2003 - long out of print!Warhammer Armies Supplements from 1996 and 2003 - long out of print!

Hopefully, a couple of knights or so per week and we’ll get through April because we need to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives and this hobby allows us some form of escape and distraction from this real world and current wall-to-wall, dark news coverage.

UPDATE: (that was quick!) Reading about Tristan in the 1996 book, he needs to be accompanied by Jules Le Jongleur. So as Tristan can be the musician for the troupe out goes the metal knight errant musician and in comes Jules (having hunted high and low for him in my bottomless ‘bag of holding’ – see earlier in post!) to cram onto Tristan’s base some how and I will customise a standard bearer to act as a bodyguard for Repanse so that there will still be eight mounted guys to paint up plus Jules.

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