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Curis' Rogue Trader and Warhammer 40K

Curis' Rogue Trader and Warhammer 40K

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2000ad Rogue Trooper Traitor General

Tutoring 8
Skill 19
Idea 14
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2000ad Rogue Trooper Traitor General

It’s Bob Naismith Challenge Time on the Oldhammer Community. Painters the world over are working on pieces from the grandmaster’s extensive back catalogue of gems, to be judged by the Lord Bob Almighty himself. Bob was so prolific in the 1980s (and still is today) that my shortlist of entries was 38 ideas, and one mini that bubbled to the surface was the Traitor General.  Read more…

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Cult of Games Member

Jealous of your Traitor General. I might have to create my own using a gene-stealer cult torso and head. Lots of scenario ideas for that guy.

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