Bolt Action Japanese 1000pts army
1000 pts!! List created. ?
Photo shoot of the army as a whole later.
Already looking at an alternative list with smaller squads to make the army more maneuverable and a Chi-Ha Tank to take away the bespoke FT17 element.
Those huge units in the current list, will be easy to see, easy to hit, probably easy to pin and then a big chunk of my force won’t be effective for turns at a time.
I will play my original list just because the maxed out size of the units seems to be the thematic way that the list builder encourages you to follow and my army will look fairly cool on the table i think. If the light mortars start hitting things and pinning things there’s a chance i can get some fire power onto the enemy and make the big units’ dice count really punishing.
I still have a handful of unmade minis, so i will make some extra bits and pieces to allow me to swap bits in and out.
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