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Bolt Action Japanese 1000pts army

Bolt Action Japanese 1000pts army

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Sniper 2. This time he's serious.

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 7
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Sniper 2. This time he's serious.

I have been told that on some of the expansion list builders you can have multiple snipers in Japanese lists which seems thematic to me.

So with a bonus sprue i unearthed i am looking to make another sniper. This time i have looked on YouTube for inspiration and found out about the type 97 rifle. It was basically the standard Japanese rifle with a detachable side-mounted scope.

As i said before there is no sniper rifle on the sprue so i have turned to one of my British weapons sprues for a scope.

And after clipping and assembly the sniper has a scope. And after clipping and assembly the sniper has a scope.

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