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Base Bass Buttery biscute Base.

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 8
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So it was time to get my bases sorted at least for Wildfire.

I powered up Fusion 360 took a look at the new tiles that Corvus showed us on the kick starter and got to emulating the designs as best I could.

Base rendersBase renders

Now I had my bases done I went ahead and 3D printed them. Sadly all I  had was translucent green resin. So I used it. I altered some of the bases as a few of the models had foot on rock. I done this with plasicard, wire and bits box.

As I Add to the collection they will be here for you to 3D print if you wish. There will be a unique base for every model. (not model specific) So far I have done 9 with the defiance looking tiles and 7 with Shasvastii looking ones. I am going to add a pail blue and a red purple for the Shasvastii as spot colours. (you will see bad discription).

I cleaned and pinned all the models. This took forever but hopefully will only need to be done once. I have dropped a couple with no issues.

After this I went in and zenith primed the models.

Ready for paint.Ready for paint.

I painted two models then decided to black colour the rest. I am copying Angel’s theme and looking at what each section was painted took longer than painting it. This sped things up considerably.

Painting method.Painting method.

More to come! very shortly.

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