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Spring Cleanning. Cyberpunk

Spring Cleanning. Cyberpunk

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Walls added.

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Added the walls, using polystyrene pizza bases, one side was textured so I covered these in medium gauge paper.Added the walls, using polystyrene pizza bases, one side was textured so I covered these in medium gauge paper.
The lift with removable doorsThe lift with removable doors
The doors removed The doors removed
The kitchen units. I am low on materials so I again used pizza bases. Just need to add some details: bog rolls, clothes hanging out of open drawer, bedding, food containers and books etc.The kitchen units. I am low on materials so I again used pizza bases. Just need to add some details: bog rolls, clothes hanging out of open drawer, bedding, food containers and books etc.
The glue I am using, really good stuff, dries rock hard but gives plenty of time to harden, does not melt polystyrene and dries perfectly clear will be good for water effects.The glue I am using, really good stuff, dries rock hard but gives plenty of time to harden, does not melt polystyrene and dries perfectly clear will be good for water effects.

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