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Avernos' Going Down On Purpose

Avernos' Going Down On Purpose

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Airbrush In Haste, Repent At Leisure

Tutoring 17
Skill 20
Idea 18

Full disclosure I had played a Sealion game in 2018 with it primed in black and light grey, but then got set aside. In the run up to the Western Desert Bolt Action Bootcamp we tossed around the idea of having the arc and a U-boat to escape on. So out it came for another rushed paint job.

As you can see it has colour, I’m quite pleased with how the wooden deck came out to break up the metallic hull. The eagle-eyed among you will have spotted the added wire and barrel cap for the 88 to protect it when submerged, a lot of stuff is still one colour primed though.

can you see the (not) deliberate mistake?can you see the (not) deliberate mistake?

As you may be able to see I did the camo pattern then masked it off and sprayed the waterline and floatation tanks a blue grey.

I used 5mm masking tape and kind of held a bit of paper in front of it because of “rush”

I left a noticeable overspray all the way along.

so there you have it, the base colours are on, but I need to remove the overspray and detail the lot before weathering and doing the crew.

This then is the starting point for my spring clean challenge entry.

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Cult of Games Member

Looks like you made a new platform and railings for the anti air gun.

Sieht süß aus!

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