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Spring Cleanning. Cyberpunk

Spring Cleanning. Cyberpunk

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Another building

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 7
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A ruined building (nightclub) that I built for my SLA project (on hold) that I thought could be dual purpose for The Hot Zone Wasteland at the centre of Night City. I did not like the modular look of the Mantic scenery so I covered the joins with thin strips of card, I think it improves the solidity of the building..A ruined building (nightclub) that I built for my SLA project (on hold) that I thought could be dual purpose for The Hot Zone Wasteland at the centre of Night City. I did not like the modular look of the Mantic scenery so I covered the joins with thin strips of card, I think it improves the solidity of the building..
Another building
I tiled the floor in thin card as I felt this added to the realism.I tiled the floor in thin card as I felt this added to the realism.

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love it all, I’ll be unboxing some cyberpunk figures from Artel next week hopefully which you may be interested in.

Rockers suck

Solo’s forever 😉

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