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Jim’s allsorts

Jim’s allsorts

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Project Blog by boredsnores

Recommendations: 40

About the Project

This is a project to collate everything I have been working on at the moment and some previous things too. Mainly some blood angels and my own homebrew guard regiment.

This Project is On Hold

Other random updates to bring up to speed.

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 1
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The hobby butterfly is strong!

Been working on some flames of war. Pleased with the effect that contrast can achieve on them as due to the scale I think it makes it easier to see them

Other random updates to bring up to speed.
Other random updates to bring up to speed.
Other random updates to bring up to speed.

Also been introducing the little one to the hobby (after suitable babyproofing etc) not sure if I’m just doing wishful thinking since he’s not 2 yet but your never too young!

Other random updates to bring up to speed.
Other random updates to bring up to speed.

Battle of the tankers!

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 1
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So me and my pops did have our painting competition between us. I’ll put pics of the end results below. It was a close run thing via a family vote and actually ended up being a draw (which is a good result as we both get an extra model! Wooohoo

Quick game of lockdown bolt action

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Trying this through my phone!

so my amazing better half agreed to a game of bolt action with me during lockdown. Was just a small 500 point game and for the majority of it neither of us could hit the broadside of a barn.

i was rocking the wermacht and she was using my yankees. Notable moments included my veteran grenadiers wiping out a squad that had ran into the open. Her m8 greyhound popping my panzer with a side shot! And the destruction of the church steeple by a bazooka team! Been a while since I have played so the rule of cool was definately applied! End result was a victory for the Americans (which may be why she has expressed interest in more games!)

finished portal

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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ok so i’m calling the portal finished. I wasn’t really happy with how it looked so I went back and added in resin from the back. This has helped pull it together along with the paint which i applied to the rear of the resin, and then some highlighting over the front to improve the flow of it.


so the actual portal model was a purchase from ebay a while back, the resin and the uv light came from the ontabletop store along with the uv light. For the paints I used citadel brass colours and leadbelcher along with turquoise contrast paint, nurgles rot, the blood for the blood god technical and typhus corrosion.

I also find myself in a painting competition! my dear old dad has long been a model painter (mainly scale models – 1/35 scale) and whilst I have done some, he mainly does me the honor of painting my tanks. This time however we find ourselves a show down. So he sent me a picture of one of his panzers (I think its a panther tbf but i’m not 100%) and I am going to paint up a panzer 3. This will be my first vehicle in 1/35 scale and building it alone is a little more daunting! However the wager is that the winner will get a new model courtesy of the other so theres everything to paint for! I’m sure he won’t mind me showing off his work so i’ll put the pics of his tank below (mine is still under construction). I have had a lil go on a 1/35 german grenadier (I know the colours are not spot on but it was more for technique.





Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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so the Stellaris just need basing now which i’m currently working on. in the meantime I tried to finish my portal. I think if I was to do it over i’d do some things differently but i’m happy with it as a first attempt.


mainly the actual size of the portal, but I think I might get some brass rods and have them connecting to it as the ‘spark’ points or something, think it might also look better on a terrain set up rather than my painting mat so will see what I can achieve when the lil one naps


resin resin resin

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 3
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I have run into some slight issues with the resin. I think I used too much vas (ooo er) and its basically ended up making ridges on the resin, so i’ve had to adapt slightly. but here is the work so far



gory portalgory portal

and here for the hell of it is a heavy weapons team. guns from kromlech and models from wargames atlantic.

resin resin resin

update 2

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 4
1 Comment

sooo it arrived! hurray! so i’ve managed to add a banner to the cav and some layers onto the demon appearing through the wall. I also have a selection of demon faces from spellcrow which i’ll be adding onto other walls etc.


I also have an idea which requires the use of curing resin! (thankfully Gerrys awesome tutorial has shown how) but its a bit advanced for my level so i’ll be taking it slow and steady.

other things I have been playing with, like transfers

so i'm thinking....resin the portal with a demon coming through it?? madness!

update 2

The beginnings

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3

So what with the way of the world at the moment I have found myself with some extra hobby time ! Making the most of this situation I’ve been attempting to clear my backlog and catch up on some much needed hobby.

having previously watched John when he created the Prussonian I really got inspired to try my hand at a regiment of my own. After much umming and ahhing the release of the grognars from wargames atlantic sealed the deal. So I present the beginnings of the Stellaris Guard


The cav are actually from frontrank but are Russian Cossacks (lances are being worked on as we speak)


more updates will follow as and when products arrive (placed an order to Anvil which I think managed to ship before the lockdown so fingers crossed)

Here is some of the other things I have been working on, including a Blood Angels Chaplain (an excuse to rock out the black gloss primer woohooo) a greater demon of nurgle, and my attempt to add a lil extra to some terrain.


I do have my previous project to update too and that is next on the list!

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