Star Wars Legion at Nottingham Board and Wargames Club
Progress for the Droids
Here are some close ups of my finished skirmish force. Dooku, two units of B1s and 2 units of droidekas.
Dooku has come out very nicely. Primed black, basecoated with Vallejo heavy skintone, army painter skeleton bone highlights and soft tone wash, P3 coal black highlights for the uniform, Vallejo heavy red, AP chaotic red and dragon red for the underside of the cloak (same for the light sabre, with AP pure red highlights). Hair and beard are just a couple of shades of AP uniform grey over the black primer.
The B1 droids, after washing, were highlighted with the Vallejo middlestone, then skeleton bone on the top edges. The guns were black, with coal black highlights and edged with AP gun metal.
The droidekas were primed with Halfords red primer, gun metal over the chassis and a mix of P3 Molten Bronze with heavy red for the armour plates. Darktone wash all over and edge highlight with the base colours.
Clear bases from ‘just lasered’ on ebay.
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