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Spring cleaning orks

Spring cleaning orks

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Project Blog by svboel

Recommendations: 108

About the Project

I've had a rather large collection of 40k orks for a long time. Have not painted much of my orks sinch 2017 where I received a golden botton for my nobz. So in my spring cleaning I found a stompa, and some ork kommandoz from back in 2009 and an old mech boy who Needs an update. So I made a silly list with what I have painted and want I want to paint. I will post the list later ?

This Project is On Hold

Magic Wash

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
1 Comment

Now I used gw nuln oil, and boy it helped on the ugly fellow ?

When the wash Is dried I’m gonna fix his teth and lips up, and the he is done.

I’m not gonna base this fellow yet. Because I have to Change all my orks bases from 25 mm to 32 mm. But I don’t have any 32 mm bases around, so it’s time to order some bases.

Magic Wash
Magic Wash

A new update finnaly!!!

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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So I finally have a new update, got the last Colours on him,

I’ve add some ap gready gold, to some of the metal parts to bring them out.

Then i used ap skeleton bone on the hilt of the Choppa, and his teeth.

I used ap lava orange for the dynamite and a bit of vj German grey on the fuse.

I again used ap mat black as the camo line.

And ap dragon red for the eyes

Most of the base paint need atleast two layers of paint, especially the red one.


A new update finnaly!!!
A new update finnaly!!!

And more paint

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Got some more paint on my kommando

Dragon red, for the pants.

Gunmetal, for all the metal pants.

And angel green for his skin, I’m gonna do the last block colors, but I’m suffering from bad light, I don’t have decent lamp with me, and it’s slowing down my paint process ?


And more paint
And more paint
And more paint

First part paint

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I finnaly started painting, a bit slower than planned, but Im gonna do base paint scheme, by first use block Colours. To start with I painted the boots, shirt and leather back and belts.


Because they are commandos I chose a uniform Grey from ap, it seem to fit with the ork theme of the blood axe clan and the kommandoz. The boots was painted for a start with mat black from ap, and the leather was painted with leather brown from ap.


A little about the clan, the blood axes are the most military ork clan, they like camouflage, tactics and was the first orks to meet humans. Just a short version of their history

First part paint
First part paint

More stompa stuff

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Building more parts of the stompa. So not much of an update, today, but I’m hopping to start paint the first 5 kommandos tommorow.

Stompa parts ? Stompa parts ?
The old metal boysThe old metal boys


Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 4
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I started building on my stompa, and boy, I understand John’s frustration. The kit doesent fit much together, and the instruction is not great aswell. But it’s getting assambled, the body and head is done. Now its time for the Choppa and the big dakka! ?


Assambling kommandos and stompa

Tutoring 4
Skill 3
Idea 5
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While my metal kommandos are drying with paint, I started assambling the stompa, and my plastic resin commandos.

I really love the back packs and gas masks

3 of the kommandoz 3 of the kommandoz
I made a compromise with chewie, he got the empty box ?I made a compromise with chewie, he got the empty box ?

Washing and cleaning

Tutoring 4
Skill 3
Idea 6
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Washing and cleaning
  1. Been cleaning my forgeworld sprue, in warm water with a bit of soap, and when they are done drying, they will be ready for assambling
And Leia is sniffing my super glue.. ?And Leia is sniffing my super glue.. ?

The army list

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 4
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  1. Her is the list, as I said it’s very silly but fun. I’m not gonna win any tournaments with it ?

[b]++ Patrol Detachment (Orks) [33 PL, 629pts] ++[/b]

[b]+ Configuration +[/b]

[b]Clan Kultur:[/b] Blood Axes

[b]+ HQ +[/b]

[b]Big Mek W/ Kustom Force Field [4 PL, 80pts]:[/b] Big Choppa, Kustom Force Field

[b]Boss Snikrot [4 PL, 70pts]:[/b] Warlord

[b]+ Troops +[/b]

[b]Boyz [7 PL, 177pts][/b]
. Boss Nob: Power Klaw, Slugga
. Ork Boy W/ ‘Eavy Weapon: Rokkit Launcha
. Ork Boy W/ ‘Eavy Weapon: Rokkit Launcha
. 17x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa

[b]+ Elites +[/b]

[b]Kommandos [4 PL, 77pts][/b]
. Boss Nob: Power Klaw
. 7x Kommando

[b]Nobz [7 PL, 88pts][/b]
. Boss Nob: Power Klaw, Slugga
. Nob: Big Choppa, Slugga
. Nob: Choppa, Slugga
. Nob: Choppa, Slugga
. Nob: Choppa, Slugga

[b]+ Fast Attack +[/b]

[b]Wartrakk [Legends] [3 PL, 47pts][/b]
. Wartrakk: Twin Big Shoota

[b]+ Heavy Support +[/b]

[b]Lootas [4 PL, 90pts][/b]
. 4x Loota
. Spanner: Big Shoota

[b]++ Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Orks) [46 PL, 870pts] ++[/b]

[b]+ Configuration +[/b]

[b]Clan Kultur:[/b] Blood Axes

[b]+ Lord of War +[/b]

[b]Stompa [46 PL, 870pts]:[/b] 3x Big Shoota, Skorcha, Supa-Gatler, 5x Supa-Rokkit, Twin Big Shoota

[b]++ Total: [79 PL, 1,499pts] ++[/b]

Created with [url=]BattleScribe[/url]

How to get the stompa...

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 5
No Comments

So for a start i will give my metal boyz a white base paint. Because it will make it easy for me to see the details.

I will assamble a bit in between painting. I have a forge world upgrade sprue, so I can make 6 extra kommados.

I will try to build my stompa, If I can get it back from chewie ?



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