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Reply To: WTB – Wrath of Kings Models, Relic Knights Models & Warzone Resurrection Models

Home Forums COG – Trading Bazaar WTB – Wrath of Kings Models, Relic Knights Models & Warzone Resurrection Models Reply To: WTB – Wrath of Kings Models, Relic Knights Models & Warzone Resurrection Models



Hi, I have some empire of Noh for RK in various states of assembly and painting, if you are interested?

Harbonath the Void Reaper NIB

Amelia NIB

Both rulebooks for RK

Wrath of Kings, I have a load of Teknes, literally everything they released all assembled and based on custom bases, apart from the latest stuff (butchers, Bombardiers) which is BNIB

Both Rulebooks for WoK

Let me know if you are interested in anything and I can get some pics



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